Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Grammy Day: 9:00am

We're finally here! Grammy Day starts early for LiveBlogger.

Now let's just pray this press pass really gets me in...

Touching Down in L.A.

Looking good from here...
Where the heck is the Staples Center??

Say goodbye to the cube-farm, it's off to THE GRAMMYS!

Welcome to LiveBlogTheGrammys

This year LiveBlogger brings you the Grammys as you've never experienced them before.

Stay tuned for true Behind-the-Scenes access to everything that happens on Grammy Day.

We'll be bringing you the Staples Center setup, the soundchecks, the rehearsals, interviews with the cue card guy, the red carpet rollout, and much much more.

Keep your eyes glued to this page, and don't forget to take our WINNERS & LOSERS poll - tell us who you think should take home the trophies this year.